Mark Hamill to stop criticizing new “woke” Star Wars movies | Ben Davies

see no hear no speak no evil that's the strategy of Luke Skywalker to prepare for the upcoming Star Wars Episode nine before he had been voicing the same concerns as almost every Star Wars fan but he had to stop why is that I'm Ben Davies this is your Hollywood actor Mark Hamill plays Luke Skywalker which according to rancor for best movie characters all-time seats number 10 now that's below Han Solo but it's still ahead of Batman now the one to bring balance to the force has been critical of the Star Wars wing of Disney I mean social justice propaganda but I repeat myself saying things like quote they had me walking by Threepio not even acknowledging him I said I can't do that the last Jedi director Rian Johnson said okay go over there and do whatever so I went over...

Mar 7th 2019
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