Knives and Skin, 2019 - ★★

Featuring the stylized neon lighting of a Refn film and packed with surrealistic curiosity, Reeder’s high school fever dream is crippled by painfully slow pacing and knock-off narrative and visual oddities. A school principal with a fetish for used women’s underwear; the distraught mother of a missing child who dons her daughter’s dresses over her own; the inexplicable luminous green glasses of said missing girl - Reeder’s imagination is vivid, but the details don’t thrill or surprise, and as she looks at the sexual anxieties, insecurities, and desires among teens and adults alike in this small town, Reeder fails to reveal much depth beneath the strange world she’s created. If, like me, you roll your eyes at the slow pop song trend in mainstream...

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Mar 15th 2020
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