‘Dead-End Drive-In’ Earned Cult Status the Old-Fashioned Way

Brian Trenchard-Smith’s “Dead-End Drive-In” depicts a “Pleasure Island” angle right out of “Pinocchio.”

It’s a lawless place of joy and indulgence that’s both a fantasy haven and prison for young people.

Ned Manning stars as “Crabs,” a young man who makes the mistake of taking his beautiful girlfriend Carmen (Natalie McCurry) on a date to the Star Drive-In.

Crabs is too occupied to notice the tall fencing and tight security that clearly seems at odds with an open-air movie theater for teens. After a night of B-movies and backseat sex, Crabs and Carmen awake to find not just their car still on the lot, but everyone else’s as well. Turns out, the Star Drive-In is a massive outdoor prison for disagreeable teenagers with antisocial attitudes.

An unusually good-looking...

Contains Mention
Jun 4th 2021
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