Lone Survivor, 2013 - ★★★★½ (contains spoilers)

This review may contain spoilers.

The moment where the Chinook goes down—as the guys waiting to be rescued start cheering and the music swells—is, if you don’t know the story going into the movie, one of the cruelest bits of misdirection I’ve ever seen in a movie. Borders on the profane, honestly, given that it’s based on a true story. I remember thinking the first time I saw it “wait, hold on, doesn’t that chopper oh sh*t yup.”

The whole thing is brutal, from the guys throwing themselves down the mountain to the actual firefights. I hadn’t realized Greg Nicotero (THE WALKING DEAD) did the makeup on this until this watch. 

Berg’s best-looking film, I think. Makes great use of the landscape and the light, handheld cameras portraying chaos and uncertainty without disorienting...

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Aug 22nd 2021
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