"Iron Man"

Iron Man From my review of “Iron Man” in The American Conservative: Rather than fighting crime like Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark’s focus was foreign policy. In 1963, while prototyping a new Stark Industries weapons system for our advisors in Vietnam, he was captured by “red guerilla tyrant” Wong Chu, who put him to work building a superweapon for some nefarious purpose. Stark, though, secretly banged together a robot exoskeleton (perhaps inspired by the mobile infantry power suits in Robert A. Heinlein’s 1959 novel Starship Troopers) and smashed his way out. The movie is transplanted to Afghanistan in 2008. The villain isn’t the Taliban (there are a lot of Muslim potential ticket-buyers out there), but a freelance warlord who has assembled a multicultural...

Proper Review
May 9th 2008
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