“The Interpreter”: Sean Penn’s U.N. Mash Note

By The last time I wrote about Jeff Sp*coli a/k/a Sean Penn, he sent me an e-mail calling me the c-word.

In the past, Penn reportedly shot reporters with a squirt gun filled with his urine, so I got off easy. Classy guy.

I critiqued Penn’s absurd interview in the thankfully defunct Talk Magazine. It was just months after 9/11, and Sp*coli was deluded from smoking too much pot, again. He didn’t just insist that President Bush, Rupert Murdoch, Howard Stern, and Bill O’Reilly were as bad as Osama Bin Laden and Hitler. They were worse.

Since then, as we now know, Penn transformed himself into failed emissary to Iraq–a Baghdad Sp*coli a la Hanoi Jane.

But now Penn’s gotten smarter. His propaganda doesn’t work when he’s playing himself in real...

Proper Review
Apr 22nd 2005
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