Rageaholic Cinema: COBRA (First Episode, Remastered)
03:16 "... cinematic perfection that is until 1986 ..."
03:31 "... people to [ย __ย ] Cobra went even further ..."
03:41 "... theater in 1986 I'd sell my [ย __ย ] ..."
04:53 "... movie is about officer Marion Cobra ..."
04:55 "... Cobra Dee for the first moment he ..."
05:02 "... dangling from his mouth and a Cobra ..."
05:08 "... named Cobra and not that wide-eyed ..."
06:23 "... [ย __ย ] Cobra had somehow dragged Brigitte ..."
07:35 "... Cobra then proceeds to kill every single ..."
09:50 "... ready Cobra because modern movies suck ..."
Proper Review
Aug 16th 2017
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