Wrestling With The Darkest Of Moral Problems: To Kill A Man (2014)

When is homicide justified?  What are the moral consequences of homicide?  How does a man deal with the consequences of taking another’s life?

These are the deep waters explored in Alejandro Fernandez Almendras’s 2014 drama To Kill A Man (Matar a un Hombre).  It is a joint French-Chilean production.

It is, surely, one of the most ancient and intractable of moral questions.  Greek drama visited the theme frequently, and never came to a firm resolution of the issue.  Dostoyevsky painstakingly chronicled the movement of the soul’s decline after a murder in Crime and Punishment.  Director Sam Peckinpah’s 1971 drama Straw Dogs also explored the issue, but left little room for philosophic reflection by making self-defense the key determining...

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Sep 29th 2015
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