Tim Burton on His "Planet of the Apes": "I Tried." Also: a First Look at His "Sweeney Todd"

  An engaging, witty and self-deprecating Tim Burton was a hit before an adoring audience at the Time Warner Center last night, where he reflected on his films and introduced three clips from the upcoming “Sweeney Todd.” More on that later. The audience cheered wildly to clips from each of his films, but it was refreshing when Burton implicitly corrected his fans by acknowledging such messes as “Mars Attacks” and the Mark Wahlberg remake of “Planet of the Apes.” Of the latter, he asked of his interlocutor Richard Pena, who had derided Hollywood for churning out sequels and remakes that lacked Burton’s vision, “Was that one of your horrible endless remakes you were talking about earlier? I tried.” Burton said he made the film because...

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Nov 15th 2007
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