SHADOW IN THE CLOUD is an action, horror movie about a strange female World War II pilot traveling with a mysterious top secret passage on a B-17 Flying Fortress, but the crewโ€™s susp*cions are forgotten when a monster starts to wreak havoc. SHADOW IN THE CLOUD has an interesting historical backdrop but opts for a more surreal approach to horror, which sometimes makes the movie more comical than thrilling, and the movie has many โ€œfโ€ words and some very strong horror-related violence.

The movie opens with a female pilot, Maude Garrett, walking on a runway toward a B-17 Flying Fortress. The plane is about to take off when she tells them she must transport some top-secret documents. To stay on schedule, the crew allows her on board, but doesnโ€™t believe her story.

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Jan 8th 2022
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