Discussing Dune w/ The Distributist, Morgoth, And Last Things
00:34 "... dune uh so thanks for joining me guys ..."
01:12 "... read dune ..."
03:43 "... is explained to me when i ran into dune ..."
03:51 "... deep dive on dune that's part of the ..."
04:27 "... h.g wells and isaac asimov and so dune ..."
04:45 "... kind of struck me with dune was that it ..."
05:26 "... was the fact that dune itself ..."
05:46 "... you should associate with doom what dune ..."
06:19 "... uh throughout how dune is written it's ..."
06:40 "... dune and the characters in dune ..."
07:47 "... and more out of dune ..."
07:55 "... did you first run into dune ..."
08:14 "... dave's dune video came out um and i ..."
09:34 "... what is what's dune and i sort of ..."
09:39 "... dune is um uh islamic ..."
10:27 "... coastal elites in dune there are no ..."
13:22 "... of dune which is the the david lynch ..."
13:35 "... only because uh it it took dune in the ..."
13:44 "... dune ..."
17:43 "... dune s series ..."
17:49 "... original dune ..."
17:54 "... interpretation of the original dune ..."
18:14 "... dune ..."
20:01 "... stop at dune and i understand why i ..."
20:08 "... arguably the god emperor of dune the ..."
20:41 "... dune really kind of sidesteps a lot of ..."
23:38 "... out of dune i thought i would kind of be ..."
26:42 "... i don't think that dune really has a big ..."
27:37 "... pertinent thing about 2021 . ..."
27:39 "... the most important thing about 2021 is ..."
28:03 "... modern 2021 progressivism unless he had ..."
29:58 "... aspect of dune that that i kind of go ..."
30:09 "... admire dune is um ..."
34:32 "... of dune and one that i kind of agree ..."
36:50 "... the starks get killed off dune style ..."
37:21 "... a carbon copy of dune yeah i mean it's ..."
39:26 "... neo-reactionary way like dune where ..."
40:59 "... i wanted to drag us back to dune here um ..."
41:08 "... uh dune ..."
41:44 "... the subject of dune ..."
46:50 "... should move on do you think dune is best ..."
47:06 "... through uh through god emperor of dune ..."
48:33 "... if you're interested in dune is an ..."
49:58 "... children of dune though i'm familiar ..."
50:06 "... people have only read dune and and they ..."
51:12 "... dune books maybe maybe more ..."
52:37 "... i i will list one dune book that i ..."
52:43 "... herbert the dune encyclopedia from ..."
53:08 "... somebody from the chapter house of dune ..."
53:17 "... in the original dune uh ..."
01:03:02 "... have on the the new dune adaptation just ..."
01:18:16 "... you read the rest of the dune books ..."
01:18:34 "... effective in dune i do find it at this ..."
01:18:54 "... or the next dune ..."
01:23:23 "... dune but i do i do feel like ..."
01:25:50 "... oh that i'll give my favorite dune quote ..."
01:25:54 "... um god created dune ..."
01:33:32 "... talk about dune given how deep it is but ..."
Proper Review
Jan 23rd 2022
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