  • Jason Simpson
Summary: Set shortly after the movie, while on the run; Bruce Banner is contacted by his old mentor Professor Crawford, who claims to have developed a device called the Gamma Orb which can cure the Hulk.

Countries: United States, Canada
Language: English
Summary: Assume the role of an unseen summoner and battle against a team of other players or computer-controlled champions in the immensely popular multiplayer online battle arena League of Legends.

Production: Riot Games
Country: United States
Summary: In the rise of a new zombie outbreak, the new hero Chuck Greene has to help his daughter survive this zombie nightmare.

Countries: Canada, Japan
Language: English
Summary: Chuck Greene is back in action and has teamed up with original Deadrising hero Frank West. This game once again features flesh eating zombies that you can kill with pretty much anything. The camera feature has also returned. Takin...

Countries: Canada, Japan
Language: English
Summary: After surviving the Dead Rising zombie outbreak, Frank West quickly became a bit of a celebrity and is given his own talk show. But like many celebrities, he squanders his opportunities and soon finds that his fifteen minutes are up.

Countries: Canada, Japan
Language: English
Summary: Jack Rourke must win a cross-country race to pay off the Mob and save his life.

Country: Canada
Language: English
Summary: Rising 3 takes place ten years after the events of Dead Rising 2 (2010), in the city of Los Perdidos, California and follows a new protagonist, Nick Ramos, who is in the midst of the looming zombie apocalypse.

Country: Canada
Language: English
Summary: Frank West, and Vick Chu investigate a military compound, situated on the outskirts of Willamette, Colorado, but once inside, they find out the compound is being used for zombie research, and are discovered and forced to flee.

Production: Capcom Vancouver
Country: Canada
Language: English
Summary: In Thimbleweed Park, a dead body is the least of your problems. Switch between five playable characters to uncover the surreal secrets of this strange town. The deeper you go, the weirder it gets.

Production: Terrible Toybox
Country: United States
Language: English
Game budget: $ 626,250
Genre: Action

Production: Capcom Vancouver
Country: Canada
Language: English
Summary: One day, a strange occurrence begins to happen in the kingdom of Alberia. The Holy Shard protected by the capital starts to lose its power. So, in order to save his people, the Seventh Prince, sets off on his Dragon Selection Trial.

Production: Cygames
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Summary: You play a neophyte member of the Las Vegas CSI team scientifically investigating more mysteries.

Country: United States
Language: English

Production: Capcom Company
Country: Japan
Language: English

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